Thursday, August 6, 2020

Our New House

We moved into our new house on Pahlmeyer in March 2020, right as the world was beginning to wrestle with the COVID-19 pandemic. Your dad was worried sick we wouldn't get to close because of the chaos, but the house officially became ours on 20th. As Ginny says "The Misters are finished with our house!"

You girls love the new house, but mostly all the kids your age in the neighborhood. Ellie and our next door neighbor Teegan have become the best of friends, playing barbies for hours at a time. Daddy and I counted, Ellie has lived in 6 houses in her 6 years of life. Hopefully this will be a our house for a long time to come, no more moving :)

Mommy and Daddy worked so hard to have the opportunity to build this house, we actually sold two houses (Fairbanks and Fenton) to have enough of a down payment to build the house of our dreams. We hope you girls love it and can see how hard we have worked to give you a safe and fun place to grow up!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Visiting Roo in your Dreams

This morning on the way to daycare, I asked you Ellie how you slept.  You told me "I slept great Mommy, Roo visited me in my dreams!"  It almost brought tears to my eyes.  You went on to say that in your dream Roo didn't look old and gray, we was young and running all around.  You said he was very happy and that the two of you spent time playing and snuggling.  Sometimes you know just how to cheer your mommy up :) Love you so much Ellie!

Goodbye Roo

Last week (May 2018) we said goodbye to our Roo. He was Mom's first baby, the one who taught me how to be a mom and love unconditionally. Roo was a pound puppy, rescued by Mommy at just 8 weeks old out of a litter of 8 puppies. A few weeks later he was in the Vet Clinic on an IV drip fighting for his life after getting Parvo. We were once told by a vet he’d probably live to be 8-9 years old, in December he would’ve been 12, we got a couple more years than we thought. He’s been on many adventures with us, he moved across the country twice and was a trooper both times. He hated elevators, shiny and hardwood floors. He’s made us happy, laugh, he’s frustrated us, he’s creeped us out (with his “I’m hungry” stare). Both of you girls loved him dearly, Ginny especially. She would often crawl in his bed with him in the evenings to snuggle.

We sent him out in style with a couple days of spoiling, including long naps in the tall grass, cheeseburgers, ice cream cones, and endless snuggles. He’s was one heckuva dog. There will never be another Roo, we are gonna miss you big boy, you can swim for as long as you want now.

Ginny's 10, 11, and 12 months :)

Only six months behind :)

Friday, November 10, 2017

9 months!

Ginny is 9 months old!  You have 4 teeth (two on the top and two on the bottom), are crawling, are pulling up (but haven't really started walking around while holding onto things), you clap (yay Ginny usually gets you going), you occasionally will say "hi!" and wave, and you are a total momma's girl.  You still only really say mom when you are hungry, but you babble about daddy frequently.  You gave us a little scare recently with pneumonia, but you seemed to have kicked its butt (with the help of lots of antibiotics!).  We love you tremendously, Ellie most of all :)

You weigh 17 pounds 10 ounces
You are 27.5 inches tall

Thursday, October 26, 2017

7 months!

Don't mind that was posted after you 8 month photo :)

Let me try to remember what you were doing at 7 were on all fours rocky, but not moving anywhere and getting mad that you couldn't move.  Still had just to lower teeth.  Still nursing, but SLOWED down quite a bit.  Still love your sister and daddy's tickles make you giggle uncontrollably.  You love you momma snuggles very much :)

8 months!

You have have your two bottom teeth and the two uppers are JUST starting to poke through.  You started crawling at 8.5 months, you definitely lead with your hands.  HUGE dramatic hand movements, but you drag you left leg and step with your right leg.  So you really more bear crawl, than traditionally crawl.  You are eating all kinds of foods, and LOVE to feed yourself.  Your favorite right now is to bite of little bits of peeled grapes with your little bottom teeth.  You survived your first airplane rides just shy of 8 months.  You LOVE animals of all kinds, especially when you can get your hands on then.  So far Mandi and Roo have been tolerant of this, but you definitely
use your new found mobility to terrorize them :)